Wednesday, September 15, 2010

My Persona

Demographics: I am a 21-year-old female college student. I am in the business school and I have a part time job on campus working in the Liberal Arts deans’ office. I have worked there since I was a freshman though I took last semester off to do a part time internship at a public affairs firm. I recently completed an internship doing marketing at a technology corporation. I was born and raised in central Texas and enjoy the “Texas lifestyle” very much. I have spent a summer abroad in Paris and a summer in Seattle during which I wanted to discover whether I could enjoy living in places outside of Texas. I grew up in a rural town from which not a lot of people went to college. I will be graduating successfully in four years and am in the process of applying for and deciding on full-time opportunities. I am an only child and come from a middle class income family with parents who both have college degrees. My father was in the military before college and my mother lost her job when the economy went down. Our household has obviously suffered due to the loss of income and we have had to adjust our lifestyle.

Lifestyle: My life is one major juggling act. I mentioned I am a student with a part-time job, but I am also involved heavily in an organization on campus called the Undergraduate Business Council. We are the representative body of the business school. Throughout the year I participate on several committees planning events for the organization and the business school as a whole. On top of that we have weekly meetings and are encouraged to attend most of our events. There is also the social factor that must be maintained. As a business student you learn very young the importance of networking and building relationships to your future. In addition to my responsibilities, I consider myself an extremely social person. My roommates comment all the time on my constantly having plans while wondering how I manage it all. My social life drives my ability to keep going with everything else. Because it is so rewarding to be around friends I am able to stay focused when I need to be rather than punishing myself by not going out because I have burdened myself with responsibilities. I live with three female roommates in a four bedroom four bathroom apartment that most would probably consider luxury. I find myself very lucky and appreciative to have parents that can help me pay for college and living expenses. I am very fortunate to be able to focus on all of my commitments including my grades rather than affording college. My diet is absolutely horrible. I eat out entirely too much for a college budget and when I eat at home it tends to be more of snacking than a full meal and my roommates tend to eat similarly though they eat out even more than I do. One of my roommates is not a student she works full time as a kindergarten teacher and graduated in May. None of my roommates are business students, which is a major relief to me because I already spend so much time with business students and the pressure is intense. If I had to come home to the pressure and constant career talk I would be miserable. We watch a lot of reality television and Glee while all talking on the couch. It would be rare to see someone in the living room without a laptop open and their cell phone right next to them. We “multitask” by talking, watching tv, doing homework, social networking and eating. Last night we discussed whether that meant our brain capacity was increasing because of our ability and almost need to do so much at once or if it just meant we were doing everything terribly. I don’t work out much but all of my roommates try to keep a regiment of running and other cardio. We don’t have a dog but we really want one and we like to dog sit as much as possible to have a loving pet around.

Personality: It will all work itself out is what I try to remind myself every day. I tend to try to make things happen the way I want them, but it’s usually better when things work out on their own. I love to shop at trendy low cost stores, but plan to shop at more mature stores when I graduate. I love love love to travel and meet new people. I have a strange obsession with other cultures and would really love to someday live in another place for a long enough time to be adapted to another culture. I would also, really love to learn another language or two although I’m not sure when I’ll ever make the time for that. Dancing and country music are my passion and when the two come together I happen to be one of the happiest girls around! Reading is one of my main past times. I tend to read historical fiction, escapist literature or comedic memoirs. I stay up too late and get up too early all furthering my procrastination cycle.

1 comment:

  1. Lauren,

    I enjoyed reading your second post! Multitasking, eating-out, roommates are certainly the key words in your life and marketers would probably pick them up for their insights. Loving travel is quite common among college students but your interest in language and culture is something "penetrate the obvious." Thank you for providing a detailed story about you. Good job!
